Welcome to the Paradise Valley School District Online Payment Portal


If you are a Parent or Guardian of a PVUSD student please log in as yourself.  Once you log in you will see your students listed and can purchase items, pay fees, make tax credit payments and donations, review InTouch payment history, and reprint receipts for your student.

First-time users, or forgot your username/password

PVUSD Staff that have 1 or more students enrolled at PVUSD:
Username: IC Username (just as you type it to log into IC)

PVUSD Staff without students enrolled at PVUSD:
Username: Employee ID Number

Students of PVUSD who are paying their own fees or buying items like dance tickets etc.:
Username: Student ID Number (only use this log in if you are the student)
Password: Last Name (case sensitive) Example: Jones

Guests:(Community Members - High School Tax Credit Donations)
Click here to create an account


For assistance with this payment portal, fines or fees questions please contact your school Bookstore.